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Javascript Ajax Call Without Jquery

An Introduction to Vanilla AJAX: Making Asynchronous Requests Without jQuery

What is Vanilla AJAX?

Vanilla AJAX, or native AJAX, is a method of making asynchronous HTTP requests in JavaScript without the use of third-party libraries such as jQuery. Instead, it utilizes the built-in XMLHttpRequest object provided by the browser to communicate with external servers, allowing for dynamic updates to web pages without reloading the entire page.

Advantages of Vanilla AJAX

Vanilla AJAX offers several advantages compared to jQuery AJAX:

  • Lightweight and efficient: Vanilla AJAX is inherently lighter and more efficient than jQuery, as it does not rely on an external library, reducing the overhead associated with additional code.
  • Greater control: Vanilla AJAX provides greater control over the HTTP requests, allowing developers to customize and configure the request parameters, headers, and response handling.
  • Improved performance: Vanilla AJAX can potentially lead to improved performance, as it eliminates the dependency on jQuery and its associated overhead, resulting in faster and more responsive web applications.

Making a Vanilla AJAX Request

To make a Vanilla AJAX request, you can use the following steps:

  1. Create an instance of the XMLHttpRequest object:
     const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); 
  2. Set up the request parameters, including the method (e.g., "GET" or "POST"), URL, and any headers:"GET", ""); 
  3. Define a callback function to handle the response:
     xhr.onload = function() {   // Handle the response data here }; 
  4. Send the request:

By using Vanilla AJAX, you can make asynchronous HTTP requests without the need for additional libraries, providing greater control, improving performance, and reducing the overall footprint of your web application.
