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Billions Of Cicadas Are Coming In 2024

Cicada Mania

Billions of Cicadas Are Coming in 2024

Get Ready for Brood XIX

A Once-in-a-Lifetime Event

Mark your calendars for 2024, because a rare and extraordinary natural phenomenon is about to unfold. Brood XIX, the largest known brood of 13-year cicadas, is preparing to emerge from its underground slumber and will unleash billions of these enigmatic creatures upon our ecosystems. From late April through June, a chorus of trillions of cicadas will fill the air, transforming our landscapes into a symphony of sound and spectacle.

These once-in-a-lifetime events have been documented by entomologists for centuries, with the first recorded observation of Brood XIX dating back to 1797. In 1987, the last time Brood XIX emerged, an estimated 1.5 million cicadas per acre were counted in some areas, creating an overwhelming and awe-inspiring spectacle.

Brood XIX, spanning 15 states from Pennsylvania to Georgia, is anticipated to be even more widespread and abundant than its predecessor. These cicadas are essential to the health of our ecosystems, aerating the soil, providing a food source for birds and other wildlife, and even contributing to nutrient cycling in forests. However, their sheer numbers can also be disruptive, as their noisy mating calls and mass emergence can overwhelm human activities.

Entomology Today
